5 Ways To Improve Your Restaurant’s Menu and Sell More Food

5 Ways To Improve Your Restaurant’s Menu and Sell More Food

When putting together or adjusting your menu, there are many things you can do to make it more appealing to your customers. Here are five ways to improve your restaurant’s menu and sell more food to help improve your business.

1. Use Adjectives Wisely

There’s a delicate balance to strike when adding adjectives to make your dishes sound more enticing. If you add too many, your menu becomes cluttered and less interesting, but if you add too few, your dishes won’t sound as appealing. Use adjectives when helpful. If your dish has a signature sauce, consider describing it as savory or spicy. Let guests know the kale in their salad is organic or fresh. These descriptors emphasize the food’s selling points, appealing to guests.

2. Highlight Your Specials

If your restaurant has a signature dish, you want to ensure that guests know it. Many restaurants may try highlighting it so that it’s the first thing customers see when they look at the menu. If your eatery uses tablet menus, try to make the signature show up first and often as guests are scrolling or swiping.

3. Utilize Photographs

One of the best ways to improve your restaurant’s menu and sell more food is to use photographs for certain dishes. These photos are another great way to highlight specialty dishes and help paint a clearer picture of more complicated dishes. When guests have a clear image of something, it may help spark the always-welcome “Oh, that looks good” response.

4. Offer Pairing Suggestions

Upselling is the practice of trying to add additional items to an order to get more profit. For example, if you sell burgers and they come with fries, your server may recommend trying them with sweet potato fries or onion rings, which may cost extra, but offer a better pairing. Small blurbs recommending a certain side dish, wine, or appetizer with an entrée help promote a better culinary experience.

5. Prioritize the Layout

Many guests scan a menu the same way we read a book—starting in the top left corner and moving right and then diagonally down to the left again. Place exciting or appetizing dishes in these prime areas so guests will have a positive browsing experience starting from any given section.

To learn more about ways you can improve your restaurant menu or incorporate technological changes into your business, eMenu International is here for you. Browse our helpful blog or reach out to a member of our team to learn more about the products and services we offer to help make the most out of your eatery.

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