The Importance of a Wine List for Your Restaurant

The Importance of a Wine List for Your Restaurant

For some restauranteurs, putting together a solid food menu can be a difficult task. Another, equally challenging—and possibly overlooked—task for some restaurant owners? Developing a wine list. Today, eMenu International is here to explain why having a good wine list is important for your restaurant.

Helps Establish Your Customer Base

A restaurant’s clientele can often be as diverse as its food menu, so it’s a good idea to take note of the wines your customers are drinking to help figure out which ones to keep on your wine list and which to remove. If you’re wanting to attract more customers looking to try new and exciting things, consider changing your wine offerings to reflect that type of clientele. Just be mindful of the number of wines you add and subtract. If your selection is too vast, you risk overwhelming those customers who prefer to keep things simple. If your selection is too narrow, you risk underwhelming those customers who prefer a robust list. A good wine list provides a nice balance of options for guests, is easy to read, and appeals to the broadest range of clientele.

Provides Opportunities for Upselling

Another important factor to consider regarding your restaurant’s wine list is that it creates a unique opportunity to enhance your guests’ dining experience. Tailoring your wine list so that every available option pairs nicely with one or two things from your food menu allows your staff to make helpful recommendations. If a guest orders a particular bottle of red, suggest one of your ribeye steaks, or if they order the seafood pasta, inform them it goes nicely with a specific glass of white wine.

Expanding Your Selection

No matter how you construct your wine list, it’s beneficial for your business to have one available to provide a positive and unique dining experience for your customers. Consider utilizing technology to help expand your wine selection.

eMenu International has everything you need to know about creating wine lists on your iPad, and other helpful tips to get your restaurant business flowing. Questions? Call the number on our website to speak with one of our specialists right away.

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